Polish Sommeliers’ Championship 2022
BLOG UncategorizedOn Sunday, June 5th the Finals of the Polish Sommelier’s Championship took place in Warsaw. We had the honor to represent the National wine agency of Georgia – the partner of the event, hosted by the Polish Sommeliers’ Association (member of ASI – Association de la Sommellerie Internationale).
And the winner is…
The winner – Jakub Filipek works as a sommelier from Cracow’s restaurant “Albertina”. The 2nd place was won by Tomasz Żak from “Kontakt Wine & Bistro” in Warsaw (first from the left on the photo). And the 3rd place was taken by Bartosz Nowakowski from “Czosnek i Oliwa” restaurant in Bydgoszcz (first from the right on the photo).
Tests and tastings
The championship participants had to prove their mastery in wine knowledge tests, including tasting, service, and knowledge test parts. Georgian wines were included in one of the Championship tasks. We also took part in a walk-around tasting, where the event’s guests could try a prime selection of wines from Georgia including white, red, and qvevri-made amber wines.
Congratulations to the winners and all the participants of this fine competition!
Photo credits: Stowarzyszenie Sommelierów Polskich